Heavy difficult to move speakers- how do you deal?

I have a tough decision. I have speakers with built-in casters and move around quite easily. But I’m thinking about buying new speakers that have spikes and discs and weigh 120 pounds each.

Has anybody figured out a way to make life easier should you want to move a speaker around your home or even a couple feet from where they currently are?



Definitely get help,4 hands are alot better than 2 .Especially if they are over 150 lbs.

I have my speakers on Gaia one’s.  They are on a 20”x22” piece of granite.  Under the granite, I have four furniture sliders. With a bit of umph, I can do any adjustments I need to.

All the best.

I just got my Von schweikert Endeavour. While only 85 lbs each (slightly less than a ton) they are difficult to move because of their shape. Just hard to grasp. I like the Masonite idea as I can leave custom footers in place and still adjust placement.