Hegel Design Flaw?

I recently had an unfortunate experience with a Hegel H20 power amp. And I know of someone who had a problem with a Hegel integrated a couple of years ago. This leads me to believe there may be a hidden design flaw with some Hegel products. Has anyone else had problems with Hegel?
Are you sure it's the Hegel? I had that problem once and it turned out to be an interconnect.
Knghifi and Ghosthouse,

I tried to work with Hegel and the dealer for months. They would not budge. Both insisted there must be something wrong with my system. They insisted I eliminate whatever was preventing the H20 from integrating with my system. The only problem is there is nothing wrong with my system. This was a Catch-22 for me. There was really only one possible decision.

It is certainly not the inconnects. I use Anti-Cables, Furutech, Shunyata and Elrod interconnnects.
Did you bring the amp back to the dealer and have them run it in one of their systems? That would have shown whether the issues was with the amp or something else.
I own a Hegel H200 which I love. That being said, I don't doubt your experience one bit and I'm baffled why any of the Audiogon members would question you. I've read interviews with the designer and he's a total narcissist.