Hegel h20 h4ase or h30

I am a tube amplifiers fan, but i am considering buy an HEGEL power amplifier.
Have any person listen ADN compared the different versions.
I have read that h30 have moré plenty and weight, but i do not know whtasapp model Will be moré plenty warmer And "tubey" sound.
I appreciate your opinions.
Many thanks

Showing 3 responses by mribob

I have a Hegel H-30 paired with a VAC tubed pre amp; and love the combination; great sonic density; sound stage, details, fast and accurate. Very good low end; and crystal clear high's. I listen to jazz, vocals, some popular groups; and little to classical. It works well on all genres. I've not had a tubed amp, but perhaps this way you can get the magic of tubes; and the power and reliability of great power amp. Drives any load; I have one amp; running it as stereo unit. Not heard the H-20 or H4.
Good luck, hope my thoughts are useful
I agree with Bill. I was able to have an in home demo with the Hegel amp; immediately it bested the pair of Bryston 28sst's I had driving my speakers; with 1000 watts per side. As you know; its not the number of watts; but their quality and construction to allow a low noise floor, to permit the detail and sound stage to flow. The improvement in my case was so obvious and wonderful; I bought the amp on the spot; without auditioning other amps. There is nothing like forming your own opinion if possible; but its getting harder with the demise of quality dealers who have ability of providing this basic test and service.
Good luck with your journey.
Unfortunately, no. I love my vac, and owned it prior to getting the Hegel. I have heard the Hegel amp/preamp combo, and it's wonderful. I just like blending a tubed pre with solid state amp, and the vac has both aes and RCA connections, and HT bypass, which I needed