Hegel H20 vs. PS Audio BHK Signature 250 Stereo

Looking to downsize from Halo JC1 monos to a single chassis stereo amp in order to reduce occupied space; speakers are Dynaudio C4s & preamp is Pass XP20. Leaning towards the output bipolars in the Hegel vs. the MOSFETS used in the BHK.
All input greatly appreciated.
So jc1 by parasound or a Hegel h20 or h360? considering the speakers wouldn't need the 400+watts of the parasounds? I'm currently listening to some ultima salon v1 speakers and really liked what the h360 sounded like with them but have no way to audition the jc 1's without buying a pair.
Owned the h20 ran it on a good num of loudspeakers it was always musical and its weakness would be that with some loudspeakers the bass has a bit over blown with most it just had great control over the woofers its a wonderful amplifier even off it was just right to look at it. But since you have a pass pre why not consider Pass? I've had great luck with pass gear though I did have one x250 output DC and trash a speaker but Nelson himself took care of me and I was made more than whole.
So it sounds like no one has heard PS Audio? Rost, have you made a decision yet? I’m considering ps bhk monos vs Hegel H30 myself but don’t have local dealers. What does is your new space like? Thx

after listening to different hi end setups using among others, Raidho, Rockport, Martin Logan, Reimyo, Gryphon, Wadia, things were just too hyper-realistic for my taste, (although the latest Reimyo solid state amp in spite of being mated with speakers not of my taste, did leave me thinking how to come up with the $$$) .
have not been able to hear either the PS or Hegel and after letting my rig cook continuously for a few days, I was quite content with what I had (dated and all) and ultimately lost the itch.
concerning downsizing, an integrated would be even more practical than a stereo amp as far as saving space but I´d hate to ditch the xp20.
If you are now considering integrated, the Hegel h300 or h360 both come heartily recommended.
I have owned the h160 and the h300 and I do like the Hegel house sound and their very good control over my Wilson's in general. The onboard DAC are also quite superb imho.

Saying all that I have now moved onto a Lyngdorf 2170 and will have a hard time moving away as its room correction software has drastically changed my sq for the better.