Hegel HD25 Just..WOW

I am just here to share my experience on the new Hegel HD25 - I've been an avid use DACs or a few years now - and have gone through so many DACS with cambridge audio,antelope zodiac gold, the Teac DSD DACS,Audio Note,Audiolab and through-out my journey i nearly gave up! i figured no DAC (unless you are talking about the mega-priced DCS series) can replace a very good CD Player - then came the HD25 (released earlier this year) what a revelation! its by far the best DAC for the dime you pay, loaded with adaptive technology ; i've since forgotten that my 6 year old macbook+hegel combo has rightfully outdone my pricey esoteric cd player (which i have now sold) -i just praise this enough ; its one of the best piece of investment i have made in Hifi in all my years ; those in the market for a good DAC - got to hear this out.
Which Esoteric player did you have?
In what way to you like Hegel HD25 + MacBook better than Esoteric?
What adaptive technology does Hegel HD25 have on board?

Thanks, G.
My experience with the HD25 is similar to GoodArcher's. This is my third DAC; the first a NAD M51, then AMR DP-777, both of which have their fan clubs. The HD25 stands above those with a very solid sound. Recommended and I will be keeping an eye on those Hegel boys!
It's a shame it doesn't do DSD since it's becoming something of an up convert standard. But lots of good reviews for its sound.
Larry, my bet is that the wait will not be long for a high-end DSD DAC from Hegel. At the 2014 Munich show Hegel announced a native-DSD HD12, replacing their entry HD11 that did not handle DSD.