Help choose a power amp

I have a home system powered by a Denon AV3200. The fronts are NHT VT2's. Watching a movie sounds good, but listening to music is very poor. I am getting absolutely no bass. I don't think the 80w is driving the VT2's. I would like to begin an upgrade process starting with a power amp to power the mains. Man on a budget is looking for recommendations. Thanks for any help.
I've heard and seen the ART SLA-1 put to good use,I imagine the SLA-2 would work also (1/2:100W/200W).I think you will need to install RCAs/XLRs and disconnect the fan,but for $160-300 it's a good investment.
I'm Bi-amp my 1995 NHT VT2 with a Yamaha M-80 & CJ tube amp for the high/mids. Its open up the music & still has kick in bass control on the botom end. Thats is the best set up so for that I found.
Hard to have a "good-for-all" setup unfortunatly!!!

Unless you pour big bucks.....

I agree onthe post above around checking polarity and sound effects in your Av receiver, other than that... speaker setup, at the espense of your AV reproductionand maybe WAF.