Help completing vinyl front end.

I have decided to take the plunge into vinyl. My current system consists of Sonic Frontiers T3/P3 digita;l, BAT VK50SE preamp; BAT VK500 Amp, Dynaudio Confidence 5 speakers. I recently inherited a VPI JMW10 tonearm and have just purchased an Aesthetix IO phono preamp. I'm leaning hevily toward a VPI TNT III turntabel and have no idea which cartridge. Any recommendations on cartridges or turntables that will blow away my digital would be appreciated. I'm looking to stay under $4k used for the remainder.

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Thanks for all the recommendations. OK, so I'll stay away from used cartridges and I'll expand my budget to $4500. Rather than the VPI TNT, I'm going to keep an eye out for used Basis and Oracle V tables. Does anyone know whether the JMW 10 will fit on either of these tables or should I sell it now?