Help: Do Subwoofer Cables make a difference in Sub Sound?

My Subs don't seem to be working as hard as they should. Do different Subwoofer cables really matter? Thanks!
Yes! A thing called cable subrogation comes in play! Subrogation is efficiency of cable to transmit without degradation of signal integrity! Monster is biggest bang for buck! A cable costing more than the sub provides more psychological improvement than anything
Never heard of the term "cable subrogration" nor does Google turn up any meaningful information or insight. Please post a web link to help explain this phenomenon. 
Definition of subrogation (fr Google>>Merriam Webster):
the act of subrogating; specifically : the assumption by a third party (such as a second creditor or an insurance company) of another's legal right to collect a debt or damages

Not sure how that applies to a subwoofer cable.