Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?

I recently picked up a pair of KEF 104/2's at a local sale. I have had these hooked up to a new yamaha receiver (around 100 watts)and they sound pretty decent. However, from the little information I have been able to find on these speakers it seems that they are rather picky and like a strong amp. I am trying to find an amp that will drive these to their full potential. Does anyone have any recomendations or past experience?

I am looking to spend no more than $500 on the amp right now and I am hoping to buy used. I have seen several 125 watt B&K amps online. I was also thinking about a used NAD amp. Can someone please help me out?


Could you try it out? I have no personal experience with Krell, but unless someone here posts a response based directly on experience with the 300i driving 104/2s I would ask your friend if they mind you doing a quick home demo.
I have done extesive listening with the Kef/Krell combo and I was not impressed with the 300i, very cold sounding amp. The current setup that I have is Quad 606II which sounds far better with the Kef's, the NAD has a sound closer to Quad and Cyrus than Krell. Besides the 300i was not a good model, infact some think it was the biggest mistake Krell made. Krell was also very quick to come up with an upgraded one. If any other Krell was being discussed my opinion would not be same.

If it is easily available to you for audition, by all means try it, you can make your own judgement.
A pair of Kef 104.2 were my first speakers and I attempted to pair them with a Hafler DH 500......not good...under powered...especially at "party volume".

Just some info on what doesn't work.
Thanks for the advice guys. I am looking into the brands you all suggested. Does anyone else have any more advice and/or experience with these speakers?

The KEF 104/2 is a true high-end speaker that can compete with the best on the market with mods and the right amplification. It sounds better and better with higher-power and lower impedance amps. My modified pair were called "killer speakers" at CES this year (dont ask - the mods are $6K). I use modified Parasound JC-1's to drive them - delivers ~1000W/chnl into 3 ohms.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio