HELP! Large speakers fell over during shipping.

Bought a pair of Dali Euphonia MS5 speakers. They must have fallen over during shipping. They were upside down on the pallet when they got to my house. 155Lbs for each box.
My question is, what could have happened internally? Could drivers be harmed? Crossovers? I refused delivery, but now the seller wants them re-delivered so the insurance agent can look them over. I never took them out of the (destroyed) boxes, but now I’ll have a chance to, and check them out. What should I look for (even if they still sound good)?
Artisan Shipping in NY has brought expensive delicate musical instruments to me from all over the country.  I can't imagine the size and weight of these speakers would be an issue, and his pricing is comparable to motor freight, especially if the freight is not being discounted (my motor freight account has a 70% discount, and I'm an extremely small-time operator).  The guy knows how to handle priceless art and antiques with care and respect.  He picks up anywhere and delivers to your door.  Highly recommended, and the only shipper I'll use for something I care about.  Message me for his contact information if interested.
Hello Sir,I’m really sorry to hear about your situation.But after driving tractor trailer for almost 20 years,this does not surprise me at all.Most times when freight is loaded,the pallet is pushed up to the one in front of it,rarely strapped in.Any top heavy freight runs the chance of falling forward,or to the side,I’ve seen it literally hundreds of times.The forklift loaders run on a tight schedule,usually many trailers to load in one shift.In a perfect world,this wouldn’t happen,but like I said,it does every day,I’ve seen it in my own trailer happen,without any evasive moves on behalf of the driver,gravity is tough on freight.The bottom line,it’s up to the original shipper to wrap the heck out of the pallet to keep everything intact.Don’t blame Estes,because odds are it would tipped over no matter what shipping company you used.I hope this opinion helps in some way,you or everyone else someday.  John
The speakers can look perfect and sound OK and a month from now develop an issue. If the guy you purchased the speakers from paid for the shipping, you are going to be caught in the middle. Any money will go to the person, that paid for the shipping. One OUT the shipper has is when something is not packed correctly. If the seller put the speaker on a pallet without band straps, they were not packaged correctly.
I agree with Kennyc: you should refuse shipment to get the speakers back to DALI for them to inspect/fix, then send you out a inspected/new pair.

North American Van lines has a service that will come to your house and pick up you item, stretch and blanket wrap, then deliver it. I have shipped 30+ old jukeboxes without crates and only had one get damaged. They returned the jukebox to me and paid me for the repair and re-delivered it for free. Shipping a jukebox (400/500 lbs) from the east coast to the west coast is usually $500 or so. They will even take them in the house for an extra fee.
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