Help ! Levinson No333 or No.33H

I have been gave a good offer in upgrading my No.333 to No.33H. Is it worth to go for it? Anybody made a direct comparison between this 2 amps? I am worry that the 33H(150W) will be lack of punching if compare to the No.333(300W). Appreciate for any feedback.

Showing 1 response by hotrod

I know im going to get crap for this, but i,ll tell you anyway. I know what sounded best in my system, sunfire signatures two channel amps , easily sounded as good or better , I preferred them over 333 ,336 33h and I owned all of them. THis was with a 380spre 39cd with360s da i still own all the frontend pieceswhich i like .IM running all transparent ref xl. martin logan statement twos and rel studio2 subs,the sunfires seem to work better on this system, give them a try.