Help Me Build a Second System For Less than $10000

Hi, I am trying to build a second system for by Bedroom and looking for suggestions . I am planning to spend around $10000 for everything including speakers,pre/pro and Amps. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am willing to spend a little more if necessary.
I guess that, all we can do in the interum, is to suggest our own systems.

Merlen tsm`s (stand mount). vsm`s (floor standers), cary sli-80 int. amp., audio aero prima cdp, cardas wires all around.

This is my main system and I love it.

The only down side in your case is that you`ll probably feel like the musicians are in your bedroom with you.

This grouping is that neutral and resolving.
My Main system is more of HT oriented.

Paradigm Signature S8 Speakers (matching center and surrounds )
Anthem D2v
Parasound Jc1 (For Main Speakers)
Parasound A51 (For Center & Surrounds )

My room is 18x17 Feet. But planning to move to a bigger house soon. I am looking for 2Ch Music oriented system and going to use Logitech Squeezebox Touch to transport music from My Computer (Mostly)
For $10000 I would get a really good bed. That's the purpose of bedroom, isn't it?
In any case, stay away from tubes and hot class A amps - this maybe hazardous to your health. You don't want those big power cords across your room either.
Put the "magic fingers" subwoofer under the bed.

Monitors? Minis? Floorstanders?
Luxman Neo-classical 100 tube amp, Luxman N-100 CD player and the new Luxman iPod nest. Vandersteen 1c, Harbeth mini monitor speakers or Zu Super Souls. Rega p3 turntable with MM cartridge.