Help me choose a Conrad Johnson pre-power

I currently use a superb Wavac EC-300B SET amplifier. Whereas I thought this will probably be a very long term purchase, my Tannoy Turnberry speakers seems not very happy with the 10 odd watts that the Wavac produces. At this point I may have to give up the amazing Wavac and look around for a more powerful valve amplification.

I recently heard a CJ classic preamp + Premier 11 power amp driving a Tannoy and it was superb. I did not really expect a high powered tube amp to have such speed and coherence. I have come from the Naim/Linn background so speed and timing is paramount to me. That CJ combination did everything that a Naim does but infused a glow and natural warmth that is only a valve can do. The Wavac I use takes it to the next level by making it even more honest and pure. However it probably doesnt feel at home with my 93 db sensitive speakers.

When I look at the CJ line of equipments I feel lost among so many models. My budget is about $10k for a pre-power combination. I am more inclined to buy pre-owned so even the older models can considered.

Based on some research I have done on internet, here are the options:

1. Classic SE
2. ET3
3. ET5

Power amps:
1. Premier 11
2. Premier 12
3. Classic 60SE
4. LP125m
5. LP125sa

At this point the last thing I want is a mismatch in pre-power combination. I do not exactly know which pre-power combination would give me the best bang for the $10k sum.
The most obvious combination to me is the ET3 + Classic 60SE. Both are current models and matched to each other by the company. However my budget might permit me to go with ET5 or LP125m too. That is where I need help from the more experienced members here.

Please help me choose a pre-power from Conrad Johnson.

BTW, I listen to all kinds of music from Mozart to Metallica.
01-29-14: Czbbcl
Yes the VAC is now $12K and there is a special edition available for $16K.

Thanks Czbbcl. Jeez, I just can't keep up.
Don't feel bad I only know this because I was interested in the unit to replace my Cary SLI-80F1 until I found out the price. I then decided to go back to separates.
What bothers me is that I have seen a couple for sale on the used market for $8K that were over a year old. The seller's were listing $12K as the new retail price, even though it was $10K when they bought it. Just one of my pet peeves.

I'm currently running separates myself, with a Cary SLP-98P as a preamp. What separates did you wind up going to?

To be honest though, I do still consider going back to an integrated amp, as my current separates are not quite as musical as the VAC Avatar Super integrated amp that they replaced.
I have a Pass XP-20 and I am looking at the Pass XA Series.
I am going with ss as I had a couple of scary incidences
with a couple of power tubes (not cj). I would like to make
an integrated work simply because of the smaller foot print.
The VAC unit does look nice and I am sure it sounds great
but $12K seems a bit over the top for a 80wpc tube
integrated. I was also considering trying the Audio Research
VSi75 but haven't heard much about it. I have a dealer local
but he wants a deposit to order one with no return policy if
I don't like it.

I am driving a pair of focal monitors 1007Be's which are
fairly efficient at 89-90db/watt. So high power really isn't
necessary and I don't listen at high levels.

I have had cj (both tube and ss)in the past and really like
their equipment; very reliable and great customer service
plus it sounds great.
For what it's worth, I sold a pair of CJ Premier 12 monoblocks after a friend brought over a pair of SET amps (845 output tubes) he had built, to compare against the CJs. He built me a pair and I still have them, after 10 years.

On the other hand, I did like the CJ Premier 17LS2 (the "2" is vital) and kept it until I felt the need for polarity-switching and replaced it with an Aesthetix Calypso. The 17LS2 and CT-5 sounded exactly the same to me, in my system.

IMO, if you switch from SET to push-pull tubes, you'll surely hear the difference right away and it may not be a pleasant experience.