Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K

Since all of you were such a huge help in getting me to arrive at my decision to get the Line Magnetic 805ia tube integrated, I thought I would start another thread to discuss speakers to consider. I do love my Ascend Acoustics but after hearing the improvement that the Line Magnetic gave my system, I am wondering now if there is a reasonably priced but a better speaker that is a better match for my system. The only criteria is that the price be equal to or less than $10k. I am looking for a speaker that is not harsh in the higher frequencies but still has enough sparkle and snap that doesn't give up anything in terms of detail. The ability to deliver some low end, dynamic punch is something that I would be looking for as well as this is the one area the Ascend's lack in currently. 

My current setup is...

Speakers: Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower with RAAL Tweeters and Ascend Acoustics Center Speaker with RAAL Tweeter
Amp: Line Magnetic 805ia at 48W x 2
DAC: PS Audio Directstream Junior
Primary Music: Jazz and Female Vocals 

Speakers that I have considered so far include (power requirements notwithstanding):
  • Magico A3
  • Dynaudio Contour 60
  • Focal Sopra 2
  • Sonus Faber Olympica 3
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
@waltersalas thanks for the recommendation on Tekton. How would you describe your experience with the Encores and how does it differ from the Double Impact? No issues with power from the LM?
Thanks everyone for your recommendations so far! Some of these, including Falcon, ProAc, Piega and Tekton, I had not even considered so far. 

@jperry which of the ProAc's did you hear with the Line Magnetic? No issues with power? That is one area of concern given the 805ia isn't the most powerful of amps and don't compare to Solid State amps in this regard. 
shkong78 *1

The OP needs a speaker with a flat impedance of 8 ohms or higher to let his amplifier work optimally. Falcon, Golden Ear Triton, or ProAc is another consideration in addition to DeVore all of which would be very good matched with the Line Magnetic amp. I have heard all of these speakers with the  Line Magnetic 805ia and all were great match ups, with different sound signatures. I currently own ProAc speakers.
Tekton Encores.

I had the Line Magnetic 508ia, and it was sublime with my Tekton Double Impacts, even better with the Encores. I've had quite a few sets of highly regarded speakers over the years, including Vienna Acoustics, Piega, Daedalus, Intuitive Design, Pure Audio Project, and three pairs of Tekton speakers. The Encores are the best of the bunch and are within your budget, delivered to your door in the finish and color of your choice.
The Spendor D9 should be added to your list. I purchased a pair six months ago with a targeted presentation goal similar to the one you have stated.  They are not harsh but supply excellent musical detail and bass extension.
Those are all very mainstream choices.  Going a little off the beaten track will net you much better results.

First of all, take a good look at Daedalus.  All their speakers are rated with high sensitivities, yet can handle power.  There are several good models in your price range.

Another great recommendation is Salk.  Likewise, a number of excellent models in your price range.  You can talk with the designer directly, and ensure that your amp is a great match.  You can't say that of the likes of B&W, Focal or Sonus Faber.

LM805 is very similar to LM508 except it bypass pre input tubes to be used as power amplifier.

Although LM805 has very deep and powerful bass with 48W, it still need to be mated with high efficiency speakers at least 90db/W to play Jazz with realistic volume.

Thus I would exclude Magico and Dynaudio.

Dynaudio is very power hungry. It will be worst match.

I had listened to several models of Focal speakers, not Sopra2.

But they have lot of things in common, clean and sparking treble out of beryllium tweeter. tight and powerful bass.

But Focal speakers are also power hungry despite the spec of 90db/w.

Sonus Faber which is more refined and suitable for classical music is also power hungry.

If you do not play loud, Focal or Sonus Farber may work with LM805.

You can also consider used Piega 60.2.

It also have sparkle with higher efficiency.

I had listened to other model of Piega in Audio Show.

They gave very refined treble with tight and tuneful bass (not very powerful like Focal).

If you like Jazz, you may also consider Pure Audio Project speakers with high efficiency.

I was also tempted to get one of Pure Audio Project speakers as second system.

One more choice is DeVore O/96 which works well with tube amplifier.