help me choose amp/preamp $1200

im in a position to decide for my audio electronics, my budget is aprox $1200,,,already have diva 6.1,5.1,and center,pioneer 47ai sacd/dvd/dvda player. (i have a 2ch amc 200watt solid state amp? should i just get another amc and stick with that?) I am mostly looking for audio quality, not ht(but still important). I was thinking about going just old dpl receiver/pre and running my dvd player in analog to just control volume and use dacs on my dvd player, but am not sure. Here are some equipment i found pretty deascent deals it seems like:
sony tap9000es: $525shipped
sony tae-9000es:$600
Sony SDP-EP9ES:200?-$300???
outlaw 950:$750???
parasound HCA855: $500
outlaw 750:$750 shipped
forte: class a for cheap? any good?

any advice would be highly appreciated! need to make decision within this weekend, thanks

Obviously there are a number of options in or close to your price range. Take a look at the Consonance products from Opera Audio. Consonance received rave reviews and created great excitement at the recent Las Vegas 2003CES Show. There is an excellent SS integrated or you can go separates mixing a tube pre with a solid state power block to get what your looking for. Either choice will make a very musical system with your Divas.
Enjoy your system!
SAve the $$ and get an FT Audio Passive Pre-Amp.You won't get anything better till you get to the $1500-$2000 range.