help me choose amp/preamp $1200

im in a position to decide for my audio electronics, my budget is aprox $1200,,,already have diva 6.1,5.1,and center,pioneer 47ai sacd/dvd/dvda player. (i have a 2ch amc 200watt solid state amp? should i just get another amc and stick with that?) I am mostly looking for audio quality, not ht(but still important). I was thinking about going just old dpl receiver/pre and running my dvd player in analog to just control volume and use dacs on my dvd player, but am not sure. Here are some equipment i found pretty deascent deals it seems like:
sony tap9000es: $525shipped
sony tae-9000es:$600
Sony SDP-EP9ES:200?-$300???
outlaw 950:$750???
parasound HCA855: $500
outlaw 750:$750 shipped
forte: class a for cheap? any good?

any advice would be highly appreciated! need to make decision within this weekend, thanks
SAve the $$ and get an FT Audio Passive Pre-Amp.You won't get anything better till you get to the $1500-$2000 range.