Guys I'm looking for suggestions on my next upgrade. I'm leaning towards a new pre-amp. Perhaps a VTL 2.5 or maybe a Audio Research unit. I'd prefer to keep the price under $1500 USED. A friend of mine was kind enough to let me try a Cal Aud Labs Sigma Dac on the O/P of my NAD and I did like the tube effect. It was not a huge improvement IMO but did add a certain bloom and impact on the upper bass and lower midrange. It was this audition that has convinced me to include tubes in my search but I am open to suggestions on both SS and Tubed units. Ideally the preamp will have remote volume and HT pass as I plan to integrate this into a HT sys. I listen to mostly pop and rock music.
Here is my current 2CH sys.
NAD C542 CD Player Aragon 8008ST Power Amplifier Acurus RS-11 Pre-amplifier
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