Help me find WARM speakers a la Sonus Faber

Sonus Faber Olympica III's are my dream speakers. I love how they sound, but they are out of my price range. I need to stay at 10 or under. Can you guys recommend some alternatives. A local dealer recommended Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand, but they are not available for demo unfortunately. Thank you in advance.
I am using a MC275 and c2300 with sota sapphire (grade reference series sonata cartridge). My listening room is very big.
Sadly, I don't think I will be able to make the Olympica's work… I will most likely go with the Cremonas, which I can get for less than half of the olympica's. I just want to make sure they work well with a MC275. Hasn't anybody here used this combo?

Thanks again for everybody's help.
I agree with those that say to find a way to make the Olympica's work. It sounds like you really love them, and anything else will only leave you unfulfilled. Do your homework, talk to dealer's and distributors, look for demo's for sale, or used. Place a wanted ad in Audiogon, you'll find dealers will come to you. Eventually you may be able to find a new, demo or lightly used pair for 50% off list price. You'll be much happier then rather than having settled for a pair of Cremona's.

Happy hunting,
I've never heard the Olympica so I can't, but I do own Cremonas and wouldn't call them particularly warm. I also have a pair of old SF Minuettos (ca 1990ish) in my office and those little guys definitely lean toward a warmer sound. My point is: don't assume that all SF speakers are warm sounding.
Hell with the budget!

Just get what you really want. Even if you have to shop around out of your geographical area for the best price or buy the demo pair or make an offer at substantially less than retail.

Settling for second best could be costlier than doing it right the first time.