So here's a long list of replies.
Ejlif: I'm very interested in the JC-1s, but can't find a store in NYC that sells them, nor one that would let me demo them in my system. I know you can order through AudioAdvisor and then return, but I want to demo any amp I'd be buying in my system, and the idea of demoing these with 0 hours on them is problematic. The guy I got my Janus from warned me about the Aesthetix/Ayre problem, which is great because I had been thinking of going with Ayre. Can anyone explain the problem to me in detail?
McIntosh Fans: I've never been that keen on Mcs, but haven't heard the 402. Since it got so many endorsements, I'll bring it home for a whirl.
Woodburger: I can't seem to get to the Nuforce website. Seems they let their domain name expire? Doesn't bode well for other areas of the business
Rello: I'm definitely staying with balanced connections (alas, no Edge amps for me) but I'm wondering how having my sony SCD-1 run into the janus will work, as it's not truly balanced. I know there are mods, but I'm thinking of adding a DAC first, so that may be one way to go all balanced.
Jfrech: Yeah, the black is much nicer (still can't figuer out why bat doesn't do any all silver) but the aesthetix and sony are silver, and I'm a little OCD about the matching bit. I sound like my ex g/f. I haven't listed any tube amps because the aesthetix is my first foray into tubes in my system. I'm thinking that since I'm doing all demoing at home, that I might just slide in the VK-75SE to see how it goes. I know i takea beating buying new, but I also get to listen to things in my system first with no outlay on my part.
Pardales: I saw one guy on AA who uses the 250.5 with his forests for a succesful combo. I'm interested in the amp, and love the look, but can't seem to find a pass dealer in NYC. Anyone know who carries them?
Digsmithd: I'll def. be trying out a Sim
Bigjoe: Thanks for the detailed info. I went to the Mc website but all I saw was the mc501, the monoblock version. is the mc500 discontinued? What does it run for?
Stew: Can't seem to locate a rowland rep in NYC that actually carries a full line, otherwise I'd throw them in too.
Thanks a ton evereyone, and keep the advice coming!
Ejlif: I'm very interested in the JC-1s, but can't find a store in NYC that sells them, nor one that would let me demo them in my system. I know you can order through AudioAdvisor and then return, but I want to demo any amp I'd be buying in my system, and the idea of demoing these with 0 hours on them is problematic. The guy I got my Janus from warned me about the Aesthetix/Ayre problem, which is great because I had been thinking of going with Ayre. Can anyone explain the problem to me in detail?
McIntosh Fans: I've never been that keen on Mcs, but haven't heard the 402. Since it got so many endorsements, I'll bring it home for a whirl.
Woodburger: I can't seem to get to the Nuforce website. Seems they let their domain name expire? Doesn't bode well for other areas of the business
Rello: I'm definitely staying with balanced connections (alas, no Edge amps for me) but I'm wondering how having my sony SCD-1 run into the janus will work, as it's not truly balanced. I know there are mods, but I'm thinking of adding a DAC first, so that may be one way to go all balanced.
Jfrech: Yeah, the black is much nicer (still can't figuer out why bat doesn't do any all silver) but the aesthetix and sony are silver, and I'm a little OCD about the matching bit. I sound like my ex g/f. I haven't listed any tube amps because the aesthetix is my first foray into tubes in my system. I'm thinking that since I'm doing all demoing at home, that I might just slide in the VK-75SE to see how it goes. I know i takea beating buying new, but I also get to listen to things in my system first with no outlay on my part.
Pardales: I saw one guy on AA who uses the 250.5 with his forests for a succesful combo. I'm interested in the amp, and love the look, but can't seem to find a pass dealer in NYC. Anyone know who carries them?
Digsmithd: I'll def. be trying out a Sim
Bigjoe: Thanks for the detailed info. I went to the Mc website but all I saw was the mc501, the monoblock version. is the mc500 discontinued? What does it run for?
Stew: Can't seem to locate a rowland rep in NYC that actually carries a full line, otherwise I'd throw them in too.
Thanks a ton evereyone, and keep the advice coming!