Help me please!!!

I´m about to pull the trigger on one of these amps, but not fully decided yet, please help me!!!

1) Dartzeel NHB-108 (I think is the more secure bet, but my installation was designed thinking in mono amps, so I´ll need to invest in cables)
2) Kronzilla DXL

My speakers: Evolution Acoustics MM3
My Preamp: Audio Research Ref. 10
My current amps: Rogue Apollos

Thank you all for your help.
So you're going to buy one of those very expensive amps unheard? I would call that a pretty bad move considering their respective price ranges. Asking folks in a forum which amp to buy may make you feel better but its not a panacea, please take the time to audition before you make a purchase like that! Sorry if that comes off a bit harsh just would hate to see you make a very expensive mistake.
Jond, the main problem is that living in Ecuador it’s imposible to make any audition. I think, I’m the only “audiophile” around...
MM3 and Dartzeel is a classic combination -- have you spoken with Jonathan Tinn at Chambers Audio? He demos this combination at shows regularly and is also an excellent person to deal with
leog2015 I see well that totally changes things but I agree with folkfreak a good dealer with experience with the brands would be the most helpful. I wish you the best of luck and hope you end up with an amp you love!