Subwoofers are a hard sell to begin with never mind four. WAF, cost, wiring, etc. Hi Fi people have a bad impression of subwoofer because most setups are not great. The theater people don't care, They just want to feel their seat shaking.
bdp24, dipole subwoofers are a bad joke. You are right that sound travels at about 1 foot/msec. If you place the subwoofer a certain distance from a wall the reflected sound will only be exactly in phase at one frequency. Everywhere else will be out of phase creating even more interference patterns. It is just a cheap easy way to make a defective subwoofer.
For point source systems the swarm concept is ideal as long as the crossover point is below 100 Hz preferably 80 Hz. The swarm limits room interaction giving you the same volume throughout the room. With a single subwoofer the volume can change 10 db in only 3 feet! Here great bass, there nothing.
For linear arrays or line sources the situation changes and depends on the type of driver used. In order to radiate power the way a line source does you have to create a subwoofer linear array which involves placing subwoofers at intervals across a wall into corners. ESLs do better with higher cross over points 120-125 Hz. This stops the diaphragm from taking long excursions and limits distortion. For other Line sources a lower crossover between 80 and 100 Hz will do fine.
In all cases digital bass management is handily the best way to integrate a subwoofer system.
bdp24, dipole subwoofers are a bad joke. You are right that sound travels at about 1 foot/msec. If you place the subwoofer a certain distance from a wall the reflected sound will only be exactly in phase at one frequency. Everywhere else will be out of phase creating even more interference patterns. It is just a cheap easy way to make a defective subwoofer.
For point source systems the swarm concept is ideal as long as the crossover point is below 100 Hz preferably 80 Hz. The swarm limits room interaction giving you the same volume throughout the room. With a single subwoofer the volume can change 10 db in only 3 feet! Here great bass, there nothing.
For linear arrays or line sources the situation changes and depends on the type of driver used. In order to radiate power the way a line source does you have to create a subwoofer linear array which involves placing subwoofers at intervals across a wall into corners. ESLs do better with higher cross over points 120-125 Hz. This stops the diaphragm from taking long excursions and limits distortion. For other Line sources a lower crossover between 80 and 100 Hz will do fine.
In all cases digital bass management is handily the best way to integrate a subwoofer system.