Mr. Karsten --
All things being equal, yes, but my advocacy with pairs of subs (or even more of them) is using very large subs - i.e.: no less than 15" drivers for horns and +18" multiples for direct radiator designs, in either case dictating very large enclosures. Initially, before deciding on a pair of 15"-loaded tapped horn subs, I did consider 4 smaller (but not ’small’ by any means) tapped horns with 10" drivers for a DBA set-up, but different circumstances (like lack of availability of proper drivers for the given TH design) had me choose my current 2 x 20 cubic feet TH configuration, with the option to build two more of them in a future scenario - crazy it may seem; remember, a 15" tapped horn loaded sub roughly translates into something like 2 x 18" direct radiators, and with just two such subs the driver cones rarely get to move more than a few mm’s even at close to war volume. In fact 2 x 18" units in a DR design move visible more than a single 15" in a tapped horn for a perceived similar SPL, and less cone movement for a given SPL is what we want. I guess what I’m saying is that with bass capacity of this magnitude even pairs will give the advantage of prodigious headroom.
One obvious advantage is that with four subs for a given volume as opposed to two, each driver will have less excursion.
All things being equal, yes, but my advocacy with pairs of subs (or even more of them) is using very large subs - i.e.: no less than 15" drivers for horns and +18" multiples for direct radiator designs, in either case dictating very large enclosures. Initially, before deciding on a pair of 15"-loaded tapped horn subs, I did consider 4 smaller (but not ’small’ by any means) tapped horns with 10" drivers for a DBA set-up, but different circumstances (like lack of availability of proper drivers for the given TH design) had me choose my current 2 x 20 cubic feet TH configuration, with the option to build two more of them in a future scenario - crazy it may seem; remember, a 15" tapped horn loaded sub roughly translates into something like 2 x 18" direct radiators, and with just two such subs the driver cones rarely get to move more than a few mm’s even at close to war volume. In fact 2 x 18" units in a DR design move visible more than a single 15" in a tapped horn for a perceived similar SPL, and less cone movement for a given SPL is what we want. I guess what I’m saying is that with bass capacity of this magnitude even pairs will give the advantage of prodigious headroom.