Help me with a simple pre/pro challenge please?

Hi All, setup:

Lansche 4.1 speakers
Opera Consonance 300B's (20W)
Teres Turntable
Linn Sneaky DS
Shanling CD-T300SE
Sony PS4
Epson Projector

O.K. - so here's the deal. I have the guts of a very fine 2 channel system here. I intend to use it for movies as well so I will want a pair of rears and a sub at the very least. Maybe a center channel too - but I think I'd prefer to just ghost it.

I can use powered rears and subs if it's just a processor I wind up with but the main thing here is that I want something easy and user friendly where I can just listen to my music in 2 channel and then press a button to have instant surround.

Can someone recommend any solution for me in Silver (wife wants to keep all the gear silver) that will give me surround processing, 3D HDMI switching, etc. but also keep my mono amps in use for those front channels?

I thought about just buying the Oppo BDP-105 and using it's own processing but I'm not sure if it has enough juice to get me to sensible volume levels and it has no TT input. I am open to all possibilities, even if unorthodox.


Showing 1 response by simonf

My system is dual and I think the best way for me was to add a receiver with a 7.1 input that way you could use the Oppo processor if you wanted to I use my blu ray processor because it has the updated chips and my Marantz 8001 does not. I also use my main Vincent amp in the ht by using an ab switch. Fortunately my amp has dual rca inputs which makes it easier. I have dual outputs on the Vincent pre amp and run it to the subwoofer as well as the receiver. It all works great thanks to the ab switch.