A used Audio Aero Prima is a wonderful choice. No sacd, however. At $1500 you are very close (brand spanking new) to AA's newest Prima. I sold mine a few months ago, making way for a player that does sacd/dvd-a. I don't think you will be disappointed with the Primna. Check the archives. peace, warren :)
help need in choosing a $800 to $1500 cd player
hi all,
Help needed in picking a CD player in the 800 to 1550 dollar price range. On my short list are
A Quad 99CD-P/2, Jolida JD-100A, Rega Apollo, Music hall CD25.2 L-1 with Undewood mods, Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampler and a used Sony SCD-777Es sacd/cd.
Help needed in picking a CD player in the 800 to 1550 dollar price range. On my short list are
A Quad 99CD-P/2, Jolida JD-100A, Rega Apollo, Music hall CD25.2 L-1 with Undewood mods, Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampler and a used Sony SCD-777Es sacd/cd.