Help - Nice small dipole or bipole for HT wanted.


I'm trying to clearly decide on which way to go here, "bi or di" - ples for either side or rear surrounds.

Not looking to spend a whole bunch on them either. it would also be nice if they came in either wall or stand mounted configurations, as that has yet to be figured out.

They will probably be powered by the receiver's power plant too.

I've no idea who even makes such a thing, so any help here will be certainly appreciated. Thanks.
( You can't go wrong with magnepan! Price + Sound= Value
Mirage Omnisat v2 series. Nothing's designed to create a naturally balanced, all-encompassing soundfield like the Mirage omnis. Very compact, easy to mount on walls, ceilings, or stands.

They are also well suited to home theater because of their dynamic range. The little satellites are around 89 dB efficient, yet can handle up to 150 watts each.

The tower version is very petite, yet is 93 dB efficient and can handle 175 watts.

If you want something very compact, but nicer, more efficient and plays a little fuller and louder, there is the OMD-5 from their OMD series.
The Magnepan is a good value and I used them before but I dont know if it is for you given use of a reciever that may or may not have the juice for them........they are not very efficient. BW, Energy, BIC, Boston Accoustics, and quite a few others all offer bi and dipoles, your backs dont need to be anything but standard speaker if that saves you money, some even advise against rear di or bipole speakers period and ony advise standard front fire models while bi and dipole for sides.