help please

I have an eagle 7a, an eaglec 2c, an adcom gfa 5800. the eagles need an overhaul, $600 for the 2c, $2000 for the 7a. the adcom sounds ok. which one would work best with magnepan 3,5r's. or sould I sell them all and pick up a used ?. For now I'll be using a parasound pld 2000, and a denon 5900 for cd's and sacd 2 channel. I'm very interested in the 7a. has anyone heard an eagle 7a after being overhauled/updated by EKSC (Russel Sherwood)? I've read alot about bryson 4b st/sst
The Eagle amps are exceptional, and one of my favorites. I would choose them any time any day over an adcom. Still, putting 2000 bucks into one is very steep. I wouldn't.
Not a fan of the 20 year old plus Eagle amps and I have had the displeasure of working on them, even though they were designed by John Iverson whose past design work I admire greatly. I believe the circuit is a balanced bridge type. Not the most quiet amp I have ever heard. The 7A uses very large high voltage filter caps that are getting very hard to find and very expensive. They also use a strange voltage regulator (triac) that will start to make a ticking noise over time in both the transformer and at the speakers. The transformer windings also get noisy and mechanically hum. When the regulator fails, it over voltages the main filter caps causing them to leak. I would scrap the 7A and get a nice Bryston Amp that's warranted for 20 yrs. They sound great, work very well, and they represent current transistor technology.