HELP, Pls - re Automatic Turntables, Vintage/New

Am new to Audiogon but most impressed with the expertise reflected in these posts... Hope you can help me. I'm looking to replace a vintage Denon DP-52F turntable (fully automatic), owned by my 90-year old father.

My dad is an avid audiophile who has traded well over the past 50+ yrs... System includes Audio Research receiver (no model # on face but its '80s-era combination tube & transistor unit), McIntosh MC2505 Power Amp & a McIntosh 2100 amp, McIntosh MR-67 FM tuner (tubes), 2 original Altec-Lansing VOTT speakers (A7s), and 2 Tannoy speakers, one being the classic GRF Corner Horn.

Turntable has been the weakest link... In part because, as he's aged, hands have become unsteady; he needs an automatic table to position the arm for him.

Would be MOST grateful for suggestions on possible replacements for his DP-52F Denon. Have thought to look for other vintage/automatic Denons, but parts availability seems to range from spotty to nil. Have also considered Technics, such as SL-1300MK2/1600MK2... But apparently they have common problem with cueing & auto-lift(costly fix).

Any thoughts on other makes/models to look for -- vintage or new -- would be appreciated. We have a modest budget (up to perhaps $600, give or take)... But dearly hope to find something that will sound as good as that old Denon.

Many thanks!!!
There is a Micro Seiki DD-31 semi automatic table for sale right now on Audiogon. I've owned a DD-33 since new in '78 and it is still in use on one of my systems. Great table. Check it out. I do not believe you'd be disappointed.
A good B&O 4002 turntable is just what you grandfather needs and would appreciate. Fully automatic, and large controls and it sounds just as good as the other automatic turntables recommended, but looks much better.
Thank you for this... I am not familiar with the make or model you mentioned. Will check it out; I appreciate the suggestion!
Whoops, the response above was intended for "Sit", regarding the Micro Seiki -- new to me.

To "Inpepinnovations", I am of course familiar with B&O but only in general... Don't know the 4002. Will do a little homework on that one. I've heard some folks say B&O units are more about style than substance, but I have no experience of my own to weigh that against. I know plenty of other people who love them. Maybe it all comes down to which model you're dealing with. Again, my thanks...!