Help select integrated 2 channel amp under 1000

In the market for an integrated... Currently have Martin Logan motion 12's.. Audioquest type 4....shiit audio bifrost.. Squeeze box duet.. Morrow audio cables... Would prefer to have subwoofer options... As well as phono options... But not essential... Remote would be nice too... Open to tube hybrid or solid state... Thanks for any help...
Given your needs, I agree with the PM8004 recommendations provided it will drive your speakers to the level you need in the room you are using. There is a great difference in sound between the Vincent Hybrid integrateds (warm, great soundstage) and the Classe SS ones (detailed to point of analytical in my opinion, tight bass). Both good products, however they emphasize the need to know what it is about the sound of ones system one prefers most.
Thanks for everyone's help and opinions.. I have come to a final conclusion.. Awhile in the making... Creek audio evolution 50a.
Found a decent deal a skoche over a grand...
Now looking at Pangea for some ac upgrades..
I happen to have a brand new PM8004 which im getting ready to sell on here for a good price. Hit me up or look for it in the next day or so.
I hope someone see this post soon. I'm also looking for advice on pairing my Motion 12s with a good stereo integrated amp. I am willing to spend up to 1,500$ so some lower end tube amps could also be in play. Jolida?