if you enjoy a very loud clicking sound as you adjust the volume
then the Schiit may be just right for you.
You mention simplicity and minimum signal path as goals.
Look in US Audio Mart or Audiogon for a rebuilt Audible Illusions
L3 if like me you must have a remote. Be patient. They sell quickly.
No phono stage on that model. They can be had between $1,000 -$1,500 from Galen in Texas when he has one. Do not buy anything older than the previous generation. I have one and I love it!!
then the Schiit may be just right for you.
You mention simplicity and minimum signal path as goals.
Look in US Audio Mart or Audiogon for a rebuilt Audible Illusions
L3 if like me you must have a remote. Be patient. They sell quickly.
No phono stage on that model. They can be had between $1,000 -$1,500 from Galen in Texas when he has one. Do not buy anything older than the previous generation. I have one and I love it!!