Seems to me more and more the 30.1's are just not big enough. Room treatments and less speaker toe in will likely help but not fix the sound.
Earthbound I am seriously considering subs but a pair of rel s510's would be pretty pricey. The rel website configured that a pair of t7x's would work based on limited data punched into it's questionnaire,,,speaker square footage and such. I have read threads saying its very hard to integrate subs but also others praising the use of subs. I already believe two is the proper way to go to.
I'm waiting for a new cd transport to arrive to see what that might offer. (probably not the magic bullet but the new one should be better than the Oppo bdp 105.)
vrao 81 I have a couple of after market power cords including one for the cd player acting as a transport (puritain along with the Puritain 156 conditioner) The others probably aren't high end.
pointtrucking I THINK its phase correct as some recordings sound very good.