Help with BAT VK75SE

Just got a 75SE. It sounds absoulutely wonderful--just stunning. The problem is the on/off swithch. It is in the back of the amp on the lower left hand side. The rack that the amp is on is near a side and back wall, so the swithch is hard to reach---very hard. I called BAT and there is no trigger swich available, but Victor said some sort of technician could butld a relay box. Does anyone know of a technician that could do that, preferably in New York?
As an owner of that amp i am in agreement about the location of the switch.If i may say so,i just can't picture that amp on a "rack" due to the amount of heat it generates.It,and you,will be happier if it has it's own stand so it can breathe a bit and that will prolong the life of your tubes as well.With a dedicated amp stand that switch will not be an issue.When that amp breaks in you can start looking at some NOS 6V6 tubes-you may want to try 2 or 3 different pairs,before you find the right sound.That will truly enhance the performance,and your enjoyment of that amp!
Thanks for the response. There is ample room for it to dissapate the heat as the shelves are very high. I have no room for a dedicated amp stand because all my equipment takes up the entire wall of the room. I bought the amp used on audiogon so it is broken in. I am very, very happy with the sound---its just that damn switch.
Of course if you have a switched AC wall outlet or a switch on your power conditioner, you can just leave the BAT chassis on and switch externally.