Help with getting best sound from room

I am in the process of upgrading our 2 channel system and would like some ideas on getting the best sound given the constraints of the room.

The room is 18 feet long x 12.5 feet wide. We sit along the 18 ft wall and have the speakers directly across from us about 10 feet away. The speakers are bookshelf types on stands and are about 8 ft apart and are out about 2 feet from the back wall which is mostly window. The ceiling ht is 8.5 feet and the walls are basic drywall material. Listening is mostly at moderate levels and consists mainly of rock, jazz, blues with some classical. Our current setup uses a Squeezebox as source playing FLAC files and a Cambridge Audio 540Av2 integrated (just purchased on this site), and older Altec 101 bookshelf speakers.

Overall we are happy with the sound but I am wondering if there are some basic adjustments that can be done to improve the sound of the room in general. Secondarily, can some input be given on the type/brand of speaker that might be a good match to the room. Budget would be <$750 for the pair.
Vinyl blinds will function nothing like cellular shades. The cells (or even better, double cells) provide the functionality and not the surface (even if it was the surface, you are comparing relatively hard vinyl to cloth).

Some other things you can do inexpensively (after you spend some on the cellulars):
-deal with first reflection points
-bass traps (I like the Realtraps Mondo's)

Goodluck & Happy Listening
hang some deco hook rugs on your walls & perhaps a thinner cloth artwork on the wall behind the listening position. You don't mention the floor; if not carpeted then at least place some rugs strategically. Marigo tuning dots are great on glass surfaces.

You should at least look at these:

You can use the link he provides for the Tyler site to look them up.

His link to other pictures (which are a little better, not much) does not work. This should:

The pictures are lousy, but it looks like these might be the cherry cabinets which are very high in WAF.

His price is good of they are in good shape. These are good with 60 good watts. They are also fine with 200 (but not at full gain).

Others to look at would be Totem Model 1 or Totem Arros.

All of these offer pretty good resolution, but a slightly warmer sound. I would think that would be good for your room. All are good looking speakers. Search here and audio asylum for comments on these and you will learn plenty about these and otheres.

Good luck,
