Help with picking new integrated for under 3k

Hi all, I'm seeking advice in purchasing a new integrated amplifier. Max budget is 3K. Slowly upgrading as I get more into the hobby.

Current set up is as follows:
Preamp  - Cambridge CXA 60 running as pre
Amp - Rotel RB 990BX
Phono Stage - Musical Surroundings Phonomena ii+
Speakers - Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1 
Turntable - VPI Aries Scout
Cartridge - Ortofon 2m Bronze
Interconnects - Audioquest Diamondback
Streamer - appleTV

80% of my critical listening is on the turntable but when I'm reading, have company over, and/or just hanging and don't want to get off the couch out I'll stream over my appleTV.

Presently strongly considering Parasound Halo Hint 6 and Musical Fidelity M6si. There's also a local listing for a Mcintosh MA6500 and a Hegel H3600 that I could probably get for around my budget, although the Hegel would be a bit of a stretch. So any thoughts on those two amps as well would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. 
I just picked up a Hegel H190 in white for $3300, which is the best price in these amps. Sounds fantastic with both Bowers 895 D3s and the smaller Dynaudio Special 40s. Looks pretty too. 
If you can find a used Anthem STR integrated you would be set for many years, otherwise look at the moon 250i integrated amp.
sammyshaps, if you like the sound of your Rotel, why not their RA-1592 integrated?  It has lots of power (200w/ch) and that same neutral sound.  And its built-in DAC will put your Apple TV to shame.  The advantage of Rotel is that they have been around a long time and have a reputation for very high build quality.  I have a 15 year-old Rotel RA-1092 in a secondary system and it has never had an issue. 

If not the Rotel, I would concur with those who have proposed Hegel products, having recently auditioned their top of line H590.  Nice neutral sound.  Their H190 at 150w/ch @ 8 ohms (250w/ch @ 4 ohms) is no slouch.  But if you plan to upgrade other components you may want to think about how much power you will need for any future speakers you wish to purchase.  A 150-200w/ch integrated will drive most, but not all high quality speakers.   

I can't speak to the other brands suggested by others, but would encourage you to try to bring home a unit to audition in your room with your other equipment.  If you can find dealers nearby or others who will ship to you for demo, I highly suggest you do that. 

Happy listening! 
@ 3k the Parasound A21+ might be a sound choice (no pun intended) not integrated, but would be a nice foundation to build on for your large room, best of luck !
+1 on the Kinki EX-M1. 
You'll be amazed at the sound.

All the best,