Help with system/ARC noise

Hi there!
Im new to this hobby and started to build my sytem. Currently i have an audio research ref5se preamp/ARC DS450 amp/B&W804D.  I hooked my oppo 105 to play CD and audio streaming using pandora. The problem is I'm getting noise and sometimes a loud pop of noise. I'm using audioquest yukon entry level xlr interconnects. All units are connected in individual wall ac. I called ARC and they said ARC ref5se and DS450 amp are compatible and should have no impedance issue and they already paired it before. I already isolated signal cables from power cables. My next step is to get a power distribution/conditioner and see if this will solve the problem. To old timers in this hobby:
1. Did you encounter similar problems and how did you guys solve it?
2. Any experience/suggestion on power conditioner to match with ARC with good result?
3. When hooking digital players like oppo or any cd player do you need to have a DAC unit even if the player has a built in DAC?

Any input is highly appreciated.


1. No I haven’t had similar problems.

2. I don’t think it would help to buy a power conditioner.

3. Unless there is a problem with the Dac in your Oppo, there should be no benefit to adding another Dac unless the Dac is a better sounding one than the one in your Oppo, but that’s not what you’re trying to find out here.

I would not buy anymore gear until you figure out what the problem is.

I have not heard of anyone having problems connecting an Oppo to an ARC preamp but you have had the same problem with two different ARC preamps.

I would start by making sure your Oppo is working properly. Clean the contacts on the Oppo and the interconnects you are using. If the noise persists try a different pair of interconnects. Also try using a different input on the ARC.

If that doesn’t solve the problem, put your receiver or a borrowed preamp other than an ARC in your system, or take your Oppo to a friend’s place and try it in his system.

If you still have noise with your receiver or another preamp, the problem is in your Oppo.

If the Oppo is not making any noise with other preamps, then the problem is with the ARC preamp or the Oppo is not compatible with ARC preamps.

Try using a different cd player in your system with your ARC preamp.  If you still have noise, the problem is the ARC preamp.  If there is no noise with another cd player, then the problem is incompatibility between the Oppo and the ARC. 

In that case, I would keep the ARC and find a different disc spinner to use with it. The Oppo is a good player but I think it is the weak link in your system as far as sound quality goes (just my opinion).

I'm not sure why you are hearing a popping. A concern, though, is your power demands vs your power supply. If you are using a typical 15A circuit that runs to several receptacles in your listening room, you are probably underpowered for that big amp and preamp.  Plugging into several receptacles that are on the same circuit does not help, not with that circuit delivering about 1650W, and if there are other devices, e.g. lamps, etc, on that circuit, it all adds up fast.  A 20A circuit is optimal--then you can run a small isolation transformer for just your front end, or a large one for whole system.  Torus/Bryston/Richard Gray offer some good power supplies that will give much more than a passive conditioner, IME. Others will have different advice.  Describe your listening environment and your options for changing some wiring to a 20A circuit.  

Tomcy6-i will do everything possible based on your input. Thanks

jafreeman-a power source would be similar to a PS audio PS10 powerplant? My listenning environment is just a typical living room but nothing is running except for the system when i experienced the problem
Yes, the PS Audio regenerators appear to be very nice sources, although a bit spendy compared to the other brands that will supply more power than the PS10. See if you can first place a dedicated, 20A line, which will supply 2400W, but that is only one duplex outlet, so will need more.  The PS units have the outlets, but need to have enough output for your system, or part of it. You could plug the amp into the wall, the front end into the outlets of a smaller PS unit.  Most here would say not to plug amp into transformer, which would limit dynamics.  You can do that, but will need one with more wattage output--similar to the 20A line.  You have a fairly large system that can produce a lot of work at high volumes, and this usually calls for more power.  

I was researching the oppo dvd players recently, and vaguely remember reading posts about the 105 popping issue. I think it had something to do with a firmware issue and certain ( digital ) inputs. I believe there is a downloadable fix for it. Try searching of the more video specific sites ( like AVS). You might find the answer you're looking for there.

best of luck!