Help with Turntable/arm/cart decision

Hello Audiogoners please help me with a NEW turntable purchase. System is McIntosh C2200 pre with MC352 amp. Speakers are Dynaudio Contour 3.0's. OK, looking for a complete new turntable with tonearm and a cartridge for under $5,000. So far I am looking at: Clearaudio Performance DC w/verify tonearm, Pro-Ject Xtension 10 w/10cc EVO arm. I would like to be able to use my MM phono input through the C2200, I would consider an external phono pre if needed. I really like MC carts over MM's not sure why.....maybe mc seems to me to be more accurate and dynamic?? Or maybe I haven't heard a great MM. Tables I have had in the past are....Thornes TD160 w/TP16 tonearm with Grado Prestige woodbody, I think. Also, Rega P3 w/RB301 tonearm and a Dynavector 10X5. Help, I want something up a level or 2 from these, if possible?
UPDATE: SO, this is a fairly new table according to needle doctor. Anyway, I mention that only because that's what they told me. The Project Xtension10 uses a 5pin din connector on the TT side and RCA on the other. The DIN connection is hidden deep inside a hole underneath the plinth. This connection must have wiggled itself loose over the last week until it was barely connected! I didn't realize this was happening until I started to move the table to place the granite slab underneath it. WOW! I feel like such a dumb*&^% for not checking this right off the bat. But the table is super heavy and the connection is super hard to get to. In fact its so far down the hole that my fingers are useless and I need a long needle pliers to push it on firmly. That's why my sound gradually got worse over time. O boy. ONE problem solved!
That is good news Matt. Before returning the turntable, assuming you are still having the woofer pumping problem, I would replace the belt. If that does not resolve the problem, I think you should return the turntable for repair/replacement.

I have heard this model on many occasions in different systems and have not seen this problem, and based on the periodicity of it, I think the problem is in the turntable you received.

I don't blame you for not wanting to replace something that sounds much better than your old Rega, however you might have received a defective example.

Best of luck in finding a solution
"I have heard this model on many occasions in different systems and have not seen this problem"

Then why are we assuming its the table? Its brand new!

I am not convinced, yet.

More later.
Hello all, I want to thank everyone...jperry,lewm,yogiboy,dougdecon,ctsooner and all the rest for trying to help me figure out what was happening with my system. Last night I was able to listen to music again. I placed a nice piece of granite under the TT and hooked up the new phono pre amp. The music is amazing and I feel a lot better about the system now. Thanks again all,

Matt, Glad you're happy now, or at least happier. In fact, you need not thank most of us, because it seems you took none of our advice (re-position the tt and/or speakers; examine the tt, especially the bearing, for flaws, etc). This is perfectly OK. In the end, you know better than anyone what you are hearing in your system. If our collected ideas had much merit, a slab of granite would not have had much of a curative effect.