Help with upgrade bug...

First time posting.   I've had this fairly satisfying system for some time now and am looking at upgrading to a higher end set of speakers.  Looking for a wider, deeper stage and possibly more involving presentation.  Listen to a lot of female vocals and acoustic music -- using XRCD and SACD, primarily.   

Oppo BDP 105
Benchmark DAC3 HGC (headphone or occasional Ipod/Mac duties)
Plinius 9200 integrated
Totem Acoustic Forest
Kimber Hero/8TC and Shunyata power cords
Monster HTS3600

Room is about 15x11 feet.   8 ft ceiling.   Current speakers are along the shorter wall, about 2 feet out, 6 feet apart.   

Budget probably around $5k, give or take (used or new).   I've been somewhat partial to standmounts but would not be totally opposed to another set of floor standers.   The low end extension of my Forests are for the most part, enough for my ears with the music I listen to.   If I do get standmounts, I wouldn't be totally opposed to adding a sub later on (although integrating them would be a different discussion altogether).  

I've looked considerably at the Dynaudio Confidence C1 (Platinum), Contour 20 or Special 40 (given I've heard good things about Plinius and Dynaudio synergy).   I've also considered the Joseph Audio Pulsars.   Unfortunately, demo possibilities are limited.  


Devore Gibbons or Audio Psychic. Both are narrow floorstanders capable of 3D imaging.

$5k gives lots of options new, almost limitless used. Without listening it's tough to identify what's best for you. 

On the other hand merely improving on the Totem Forests should not be too challenging, especially when it comes to scale.

In your place I'd look at designs which offer improved bandwidth, low cabinet noise (ie silent/disappearing), and a good measured response is no obvious weaknesses which might bug with time. There's also cosmetics to consider, as many designs are just plain ugly.

Why not have a look at used models from the solid Harbeth range,  the advanced driver tech from ATC, or the impeccably measured speakers from Revel - and no doubt many more in addition to the highly fancied Pulsars?

Remember also that better sound might open up recordings in a way that you won't like. All of a sudden you'll hear recording effects, mixing desk/level sloppiness, instruments appearing from lower down in the mix etc etc. Favourite recordings will sound different, and your tastes might start to change taking you away from what you loved previously.
The best 2 way I've currently heard is the $27k Raidho D1.2. The second best is the Persona B $6k and sale prices can be found. Tell you what tho' if you ever get interested in self powered, dsp?

Not sure why you'd recommend speakers that you haven't even heard yet. They might be great, but you really don't know.
