Help: WPC for my speakers

I will try to keep this short. New to the hobby and already have upgraded speakers. I now have system audio 10s. They are 88 db and have 8-4 impedance. Min power 50 watts Max 135 watts.

Currently powered by 50 watt exposure super XV. I got the bigger sound, much better clarity and much better tone accuracy with the upgrade. What I lost was the pin point accuracy/ tight bass that my smaller system audios had. I believe this is do to the lack of power I have using the exposure.

Do you all think more power will solve these problems? Second I am looking at a DK design vs1 mkll by LSA group used. This amp would be 160 wpc at 8 ohms and 320 wpc 4 ohm. Will I have to be very carefull about over powering these speaker or should I be ok with this power

Showing 6 responses by darkstar1

everthing is pretty modest and has not changed except speakers. Exposure Super XV -used- marantz 5004 cdp- project debut II record player- 0ld sold core exposure wire.

I moved up in the system audio line. First entry level now a little higher. The SA 505 had better base and more pin point image. This is why I
think I have a power issue.

would he LFD amp be too much power?
Thanks for the feedback.

Well I bought the speakers as demos. They could still be breaking in. In fact. I have heard them perform very well and other times they are off. I wrote it off as bad times on the power grid but breaking in period might also be the case.

They do throw a nice soundstage just not the pinpoint image the entry level System audio had. I did change the room so that is a a big factor I must address.

As to the power.... I think I have read other posts that pretty much express your view on power. I would like to try the mantras with more power. My last speakers had cracking tight bass. I have to believe theat moving up the line I would improve or retain that ability.

These speakers are rare in the U.S so I am not surprised no one knows them.
Weird because one I Have heard the exposure do razor sharp image with small speakers In a very large room. I Have heard that naim sound stage was weak but with good prat but I have never gotten to listen. I was hoping the extra power would help the bass and thus help great a bigger sound stage.
Well I may be going new amp but not speakers. Like I said my new system audio speakers do create a big sound stage just not the the pinpoint image the smaller SA did. I thinking its the change in rooms. I Will be looking for a amp with more power. At the least it will improve my bass.

I have heard BW speakers at my price range and above. I Don't care for them as much as System Audio. Like SA midrange better and the soundstage was much better. The BW were a little to bass heavy for me.
Might have been the setup.

I really want to hear the 2010S. I was tempted by one on ton but I think I want more power and reviews on 3010s seem mixed.
Yes I agree people love or hate BW. I heard a 10000 BW floorstanders with classe amp and Pre. It really dropped me in the music but no sound stage.

How would you describe the 2010s presentation. I do think I need 100 watts to get the tight cracking bass I heard in there entry level system audio.
I have to disagree about amps effect on speakers. On my old speakers the bass using a NAD 326bee was nothing like the old exposure. The exposure produced. Very tight and deep bass that imaged very well. The bass was no where near as tight and did not image very well on the NAD. Yes they are in total different leagues but I have seen an amp greatly affect bass and image.