Help: WPC for my speakers

I will try to keep this short. New to the hobby and already have upgraded speakers. I now have system audio 10s. They are 88 db and have 8-4 impedance. Min power 50 watts Max 135 watts.

Currently powered by 50 watt exposure super XV. I got the bigger sound, much better clarity and much better tone accuracy with the upgrade. What I lost was the pin point accuracy/ tight bass that my smaller system audios had. I believe this is do to the lack of power I have using the exposure.

Do you all think more power will solve these problems? Second I am looking at a DK design vs1 mkll by LSA group used. This amp would be 160 wpc at 8 ohms and 320 wpc 4 ohm. Will I have to be very carefull about over powering these speaker or should I be ok with this power

Showing 5 responses by michaelkingdom

Yes, I agree. I recently hooked up a much more powerful Classe CA-2300 to my B&W 802N and quickly learned they can put out serious bass.
Changing speakers will change the imaging. I am a big fan of imaging and find that all speakers image differently, usually the smaller the speaker the better the image. Also, Exposure has great tone and warmth but if you are after sharp imaging, I would look to another solid state design. You might like an Arcam A38, Naim 5ii...but for a great integrated I must recommend the Outlaw rr2150.
I've got the 2010S2. While it is one of my favorite amps, I would not say imaging is its strong suit. It has a lot of body and it a little rolled off and pleasantly hazy at the top. For body and imaging I would suggest a B&W monitor like the PM1.
The 2010s2 and 3010s2 are close in price. However, I use the 2010s2 to power Harbeth SHL5s and would not want more power. It is a great match. Also, B&Ws are really love or hate thing for most audiophiles. To mr they are great.
From my experience, the sound signature of the 2010s2 is a lush, comfortable and hazy treble. All the details are there but are "misty." I have the amp paired with Harbeth SHL5 which has very good bass. The 2010s2 has no problem driving them to very high levels with the deepest bass I have had. But, if your speakers don't have deep, rich bass it will be tough to create it with amp selection.

I have found that all speakers are a trade off. They do some things well, others not as well. I try to enjoy each pair for what they do well and try to ignore the shortcomings.