Here is an interesting artist that's new to me, and I wanted to share his music.

Jon Batiste is a musician Rok just introduced me to. From the first notes he played, I knew he was from Louisiana, with out knowing anything else about him.

Here's his bio

This is the tune Rok submitted;

It was one I will eagerly add to my collection. I thought I would share this with other music lovers seeking new artists.
***** There never has, and there never will be a strict definition of "jazz". Wynton has attempted to say, this is jazz, but that is not jazz; it won't work.*****

Wynton speaks truth.  Don't like it, too bad.

***** While what was presented is a good example of "New Orleans Jazz", it does not stand up for repeated listens in my opinion; it was dated when I was born, and that was a long time ago.*****

Other 'dated' music / musicians:
Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Ellington, Mingus, Bolden, Armstrong, Miles, Elvis, Trane, Morgan, Sinatra, Adderley, Motown, etc.........   you get the drift.

You seem to like 'improvised music', if it can be called music, but not Jazz.   Jazz is not a throw-a-way music.   It never gets old or dated. 

And music played by a guy in clown clothing, playing tunes with third world names, does not make it good music, in fact, most often the opposite is true.  Music is music  and noise is noise.

As the good book says:
No Blues, No Jazz.   Know Blues, Know Jazz.


More outdated Jazz. I know it’s awful, but please try to listen to it anyway. These poor folks thought they were playing timeless music, little did they know it would be ’dated’ so soon.


not dated here.

Since this thread is about all things New Orleans, I waited for 17 hours for someone else to chime in and give you a thumbs up on Wynton, but it didn't happen; maybe you should put an add in a local newspaper to tell them about this thread.

No one can give a "strict definition" of jazz, and anyone who plays what they have determined is a strict definition of jazz will sound old fashioned, to say the least.

All those names you gave are like "steak and potatoes", it's good, but not everyday; although Mingus is the one exception I would make, that's because he's somebody different everyday.

Jelly Roll Morton, I'm sure you have heard of him,   said, Jazz is 'a way of playing music'.
The following were NOT Jazz tunes when written, but they are in these examples:

You will know Jazz when you hear it.
