@wharfy: Evan was in a band with the genius guitar player Danny Gatton, who like Richard committed suicide. Evan told me it was Danny’s wife who drove him to it. He also told me Danny was the best musician he ever played with. I wasn’t insulted; not everyone can be a genius. Just like I wasn’t insulted when Emitt Rhodes told me the best musician he ever worked with was the genius drummer Jim Gordon (though he did praise my playing on the song he was producing in his nice converted-garage recording studio. The bassist on the date wasn’t so fortunate; Emitt’s brutal critique of his playing had him in tears). Emitt himself was a big pothead, as well as a very unhappy, bitter man (he got royally screwed by the contract he signed with Lou Adler/Dunhill Records. Plus he had two ex-wives who caused him a lot of grief, and three daughters who caused him a lot of pain.).