Herron VTPH-2A discontinued

I came across a post recently http://www.vpiforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19187
and confirmed it through the Herron website.  Bummer.  
Well Roger M and Tim P are both gone....reflecting on that deep loss of genius - all the more reason to celebrate and Thank ! Keith while he continues to enjoy music !

Here is to you in good health Keith.
@au_lait: I don’t want to speak for Keith Herron, but though he will not be making any more phono amps, he may be willing to upgrade a VTPH-2 to a -2A, assuming he has the required parts in stock. He is staying in business, still making his line stage and power amps, not retiring quite yet. At least that is my understanding of the situation. Give him a call!
What @bdp24 said.  He said he stopped making them because some parts became too expensive, but that doesn't mean he doesn't still have the parts or access to them to upgrade your device.  He's super easy to talk to and a really nice guy and very accommodating.  Give him a call.
Why doesn’t he sell the rights and designs of his products to another person?