Hey Elizabeth Where you be??

Hey Elizabeth. Missed reading your posts. Drop a line, or post a response. Just checkin' in.

Hope all is well.

Brownsfan, are you undead or that old?

Once one drug-abusing artist somehow figure out that Beethoven is still alive and went to look for him with backpack and certainly pouch of 'medicine'.
In one of the caves after few or several days of travels(or trips) he found a man sitting in front of his piano deleting all his sheet music with eraser on the stand and asked him:
--Who are you?
--I'm L.V.Beethoven.
--And what are you doing?
--I'm decomposing!
Brownsfan; Ich glaube das einige lebens sind mehr tot als den toten selbst. Ja sicher in California!
4 years of German 42 years ago and thats the best I could muster.
Hopefully Elizabeth comes back. I enjoy her candor.
Gander wrote,

"Maybe she got a job with Pangea. I'm thinking some upper echelon position."

You close. Very close! She got a job as head of QA for Bryston.