HG Silver Lace Revisited

Several months ago Trelja and SDcampbell brought our attention to this inexpensive silver IC that performs beyond
its modest price. I recently gave this IC a listen. Eight strand construction, unsheilded but no noise pick-up in my system, improved RCAs over previous HG cables, 30 day trail period.

Last year I auditioned Silver Audio Hyacinth $275 and HT ProSilway II $400 and found both to be excellent cables but
gave a slight edge to PS II, however Hyacinth was very close
and a much better value. Silver Lace I feel is currently the
performance/value leader as its sound is in the same league as PS II at less than 1/2 price $190. Sound is as smooth as any silver IC in this price range, excellent detail retreval, and 3D presentation is superb. Would sound wonderful in any system whose tonal values were nuetral to warm. I get enhanced detail without the pronounced treble
and upper midrange that a silver cable like Kimber KCAG or
Silver Streak produces. Instead of a lean bright sound some
silver cables impart, SL is remarkably balanced, clean, smooth sounding.

I use copper ICs in my current all Musical Fidelity system
because I like the added warmth and fullness,
and although the SL may not be my everyday cable, I will be keeping it as it is too good not to have, and I may in the future use it. A remarkable value, cudos to HG.

Any other members want to add their experiences?
Silver Lace is all that. BUT, since I replaced Silver Solution with it, the soundstage is impossible to dial in. On most recordings, no matter where I position the speakers, the image has moved back in plane with them and some defining instrument or sound is coming directly from them. One good example is the cymbals on Patricia Barber's Cafe Blue. All the rest of the drum kit is well back and between but those cymbals are localised to the speakers, one cymbal left and the other right. Is this the recording?
I also find that piano is problematic with the image shifting toward left or right in an unnatural way as the notes go from bass to treble.
Kestrels are supposed to be easy to position, and were. I've tried the formulas but the room is L.R.-D.R., 12X26 and I can't put the listening position in the D.R.
Anyone have a suggestion?
Kitch29, I don't know how long you have had your SL. I found the treble to take a long time to develop that airy quality that allows cymbals to shimmer and float free of the speakers. The soundstage also becomes less recessed, and all frequencies become more proportionate to one another. Initially I thought the treble might be slightly shelved. There was also a glare in the upper mids and lower treble that took time to smooth out.
There are some speaker placement threads and I'm going to take it over there, but I checked phase, the SG's are used and played here > 2 weeks. I took out the vibrapods under the Cambridge CDP, worse, put'm back with 1 book and then 2 on top, getting better. BTW, Tom Clancy sounds better than the Collin's Edition of Shakespeare.