Hi end audio who cares

During the holidays i had alot of people over my house.
MY wife would insist that i play my stereo for these
people,why i do not know.

Here are some comments that i got(is that a bose)
(We have panasonic at home,we justlove it)
(how much you pay for all that stuff)
(why do you need such big speakers)

I did not one comment such as(wow thatsounds great)
Next time we have company i am hiding the power cords!
Taters and others:

Your posts point out one of the sad realities today: high quality reproduction of music in the home doesn't matter much to the vast majority of people, although people will spend substantial sums on home theater systems.

I think this phenomenon is attributable to three factors:
1. Music is often treated in American culture as background "filler" (pay attention sometime to the nearly ubiqitous presence of music in restaurants, malls, stores, bowling alleys, etc.);
2. Far fewer people take the time to actually sit down and listen seriously to music -- either in the home or at classical music concerts;
3. The quality of recorded music, with a few exceptions mainly in the high-end, continues to deteriorate. American pop music is far more concerned with making money than developing top talent; in many cities, classical music and jazz concerts are struggling; and many young listeners have no standard against which to judge well-recorded and well-reproduced music (think about the popularity of MP3, for example).

The audiophile community is, infact, a "deviant" group when compared to the vast majority of Americans. Most folks simply don't place the kind of priority we do on music as a source of cultural, intellectual and/or emotional pleasure. All this reinforces the necessity for those who do support high-quality music reproduction to be adamant with both recording companies and audio equipment manufacturers to raise their standards. (In the early 1970's, I owned Bose 901 speakers, but they provided the basis for me to move on to much better equipment.)

Professor Campbell is all over this one. I could not believe the amount of empty seats at my last concert, which was primarily Mozart, (with a full chorus to boot,) and yet Ms. Spears sell out in the same city. Popular culture stinks.
Congratulations and thanks to all the above who contributed to this thread. Wow! To think I thought I was the only one who has experienced those comments. Total confirmation the uninitiated just don't get it and it's no use trying to convert them...It's just like when I try to witness to an unbeliever he needs Jesus Christ in his life...it's the same old answer that I'm a good person, I haven't killed anyone, so I'll go to heaven. Here's God in heaven trying to give THE free gift of eternal bliss in heaven, but no one wants it. To put it in Audiophile language, it's like someone trying to give you the ultimate system, the one you think will be it forever, but you won't open the present it front of you that will reveal it. Frustrating!
It is the same reason the general public thinks that Andrea Bocelli and Charlotte Church are great opera singers. Hype.