Expensive aftermarket power cords are seldom offered as part of the deal when purchasing a quality product simply because it comes down to a matter of taste and how one's system is already "voiced".
If you have a systen that tends to be warm or romantic as most tube systems are, you may want more of that or less of that and so you look for a power cord or product that gives you what YOU want.
This is why most gear comes with power cords that cost next to nothing that do the job,but don't really give you the performance that the component is capable of.
Hey, you or I have to do the homework and put in some effort to chhose what's right to our ears.
Some folks are quite content with what comes in the box, others are not.
I have access to some high end gear in another persons system and even gear priced in the $100,000.00 per component don't come with much more than throw away cables.
Needless to say the throw aways are thrown away until the right match , and then the full majesty of the pricey stuff shines thru.
I've heard it and as I said, that's how I was converted to switch my audio purchases from endless gear swaps to investing in things that really matter and improve what I have.And will improve what I purchase in the future ,or on to another round of searching for the right recipe.
The casual listener won't understand any of this stuff,be he a novice or a lover of the old tried and true system he has loved since day one back in the 70's.
But my old 70's Acoustats never sounded as good as they do now since I replaced the RCA and IEC inputs with the best Furutech has to offer,And yes I use HiFI Supremes(4 in total) in these amps also.
Before the changes, the sound was fine, most folks would have not gone any further.
I did, because I experienced what such simple mods using better updated parts can do from lessons learned in my friend's set up.
This is stuff that is voodoo to a lot of people,you are not alone Gvsale, I have a few audio friends like you, who just can't be bothered to try stuff that will improve their sound.In fact one is reluctant to even try a better power cord on his amp, because if he likes it,and can't afford it, he won't ever enjoy his current system again.
And I'm not belittling folks like that.
Everyone has their own take on what level they are willing to take their system to and I'm aware of all the associated
constraints that are involved when one has a family and the more pressing monetary demands of such.
Whether a manufacturer includes designer fuses or power cords doesn't diminish his efforts to bulid the best he can.
But neither do they state that their gear must only use a specific and supplied interconnect or speaker wire, although Naim and Spectral are two who used to share such thinking.
But times and attitudes change,some manufacturers now design their own power conditioners when once upon a time they frowned on them.
Naim now has gone for a more user friendly type of connection.
If some company supplied and I paid extra for a designer power cord that didn't match my sound, then I would be upset about this and feel ripped off.
People like to have the opportunity to pick and chose the sound they want, whether that is different from the designers intention or not, it's a fact of life, that no two people really like all the same things and sound is a very personal thing.
The more exposure I had to a variety of very good systems tended to alter some of the feelings I had about "how great my set up is".
You learn there are many different voicings .
It doesn't matter which one is correct, because none of them are, it's all an illusion and no one has arrived at the perfect cookbook for the perfect sounding 100% accurate system.
Even if you recreated all the same gear as what was used in the mastering studio, you would only approximate the sound in your home and only for that one particular piece of music from that studio at that time.Your listening room would sound different than the recording sound room with all it's differnt dimensions and room treatemnt.
Everythingelse will be different,so one size will not fit all.
One power cord will not fit all, nor will a fuse or anythingelse.
The only piece of gear that is immune to most of the voodoo would be a wind up RCA turntable with cactus stylus and horn.
No power cord, no power conditioning, no dedicated lines or fancy connectors, no interconnects,no speaker wires,no fuses.
Nothing much to argue about.
It was a simpler time, and for the music lovers of that era, state of the art and as good as it can ever get.
Then things changed.
For better or worse I'll let you decide.
I know where I stand.
If you have a systen that tends to be warm or romantic as most tube systems are, you may want more of that or less of that and so you look for a power cord or product that gives you what YOU want.
This is why most gear comes with power cords that cost next to nothing that do the job,but don't really give you the performance that the component is capable of.
Hey, you or I have to do the homework and put in some effort to chhose what's right to our ears.
Some folks are quite content with what comes in the box, others are not.
I have access to some high end gear in another persons system and even gear priced in the $100,000.00 per component don't come with much more than throw away cables.
Needless to say the throw aways are thrown away until the right match , and then the full majesty of the pricey stuff shines thru.
I've heard it and as I said, that's how I was converted to switch my audio purchases from endless gear swaps to investing in things that really matter and improve what I have.And will improve what I purchase in the future ,or on to another round of searching for the right recipe.
The casual listener won't understand any of this stuff,be he a novice or a lover of the old tried and true system he has loved since day one back in the 70's.
But my old 70's Acoustats never sounded as good as they do now since I replaced the RCA and IEC inputs with the best Furutech has to offer,And yes I use HiFI Supremes(4 in total) in these amps also.
Before the changes, the sound was fine, most folks would have not gone any further.
I did, because I experienced what such simple mods using better updated parts can do from lessons learned in my friend's set up.
This is stuff that is voodoo to a lot of people,you are not alone Gvsale, I have a few audio friends like you, who just can't be bothered to try stuff that will improve their sound.In fact one is reluctant to even try a better power cord on his amp, because if he likes it,and can't afford it, he won't ever enjoy his current system again.
And I'm not belittling folks like that.
Everyone has their own take on what level they are willing to take their system to and I'm aware of all the associated
constraints that are involved when one has a family and the more pressing monetary demands of such.
Whether a manufacturer includes designer fuses or power cords doesn't diminish his efforts to bulid the best he can.
But neither do they state that their gear must only use a specific and supplied interconnect or speaker wire, although Naim and Spectral are two who used to share such thinking.
But times and attitudes change,some manufacturers now design their own power conditioners when once upon a time they frowned on them.
Naim now has gone for a more user friendly type of connection.
If some company supplied and I paid extra for a designer power cord that didn't match my sound, then I would be upset about this and feel ripped off.
People like to have the opportunity to pick and chose the sound they want, whether that is different from the designers intention or not, it's a fact of life, that no two people really like all the same things and sound is a very personal thing.
The more exposure I had to a variety of very good systems tended to alter some of the feelings I had about "how great my set up is".
You learn there are many different voicings .
It doesn't matter which one is correct, because none of them are, it's all an illusion and no one has arrived at the perfect cookbook for the perfect sounding 100% accurate system.
Even if you recreated all the same gear as what was used in the mastering studio, you would only approximate the sound in your home and only for that one particular piece of music from that studio at that time.Your listening room would sound different than the recording sound room with all it's differnt dimensions and room treatemnt.
Everythingelse will be different,so one size will not fit all.
One power cord will not fit all, nor will a fuse or anythingelse.
The only piece of gear that is immune to most of the voodoo would be a wind up RCA turntable with cactus stylus and horn.
No power cord, no power conditioning, no dedicated lines or fancy connectors, no interconnects,no speaker wires,no fuses.
Nothing much to argue about.
It was a simpler time, and for the music lovers of that era, state of the art and as good as it can ever get.
Then things changed.
For better or worse I'll let you decide.
I know where I stand.