HiDiamond P4 PC vs Nordost Valhalla PC

I am thinking of upgrading my main "from the wall" PC to Audience 6st power conditioner. Right now I use a Nordost Valhalla, which replaced an Elrod Statement (too unwield). The Valhalla is first rate, to my ears.

Would you consider a HiDiamond P4 be a step up from Valhalla, or a lateral step? Yes, I understand it is subjective, but only to as point.


Thanks, Frontier1. I have the original Valhalla. You have cogently answered my question. Refreshing.

I might, if I see a used one for an attractive price.

In the meantime, I have ordered a new LessLoss DFPC Reference. If it is a significant step up from the Sig, it should be exceptional. Have been a big LessLoss fan. Will report after receipt and burn-in. Thx.

Neal, You've gotta get a P4. I have tried so many power cords, and the HiDiamond P4 really is special.

When I see one at the right price, I likely will jump on it. I let one go by last week, unfortunately. They don't come up very often. In the meantime, I am not really suffering with the Valhalla! I have 2 in my system, along with a LessLoss Sig and a few old Elrod Sigs (fab for digital).

