Ozzy and Bacardi,
I think you may remember that I have a front end that comprises an isolation transformer, power regenerator and two power conditioners in series. I just put a HiDiamond Power 3 into the Tesla Plex SE wall receptacle as the first power cord in my system. The results are so impressive that I could use a battery of superlatives to describe how wonderful my system now sounds as a result of this change. Lest I be accused of being over-enthusiastic let's just say I am a very happy camper this evening.
I think you may remember that I have a front end that comprises an isolation transformer, power regenerator and two power conditioners in series. I just put a HiDiamond Power 3 into the Tesla Plex SE wall receptacle as the first power cord in my system. The results are so impressive that I could use a battery of superlatives to describe how wonderful my system now sounds as a result of this change. Lest I be accused of being over-enthusiastic let's just say I am a very happy camper this evening.