Let me put it this way I don't believe there is good synergy between Wilson Speakers and Krell, both are revealing and dynamic and there can be too much of a good thing (Can make your system sound clinical). I can't speak for the Evolution series.
Lamm would be the opposite of Krell, Midrange that you can dive into, mid bass that hits you up, rolled off lower registers versus Krell SLam, and the Krell bright edgy front end. These comments are related to Wilson/Krell combo only I have heard Krell sound ok on Avalon, and I liked the older KSA-250's that were full Class A.
I agree that you would have a ultra clean system with Meridian 8000's and a digital cable. Keep in mind all of these combo's have virtues and deficiencies, and it's a matter of picking which comb will make you most happy.
If you haven't ever owned tubes, make sure you have a good dealer to deal with for help, the nice thing about the VTL is it is modular so if you had a problem you can plug a computer into the serial port and find out what it is, plus everything you want to know about each of the tubes. The powersupplies can be disconnected and shipped separate so should never have to crate the monster up to send back for repairs. The reason I say this is I had to send my Lamm's back in their crates and they only accept air shipment and you can image how much that cost to overnight crates! Something I factored in my next purchase. I've heard the VTL150 stereo on Sophia's and it as magical. I've heard the S400 on WP7's but it was out of my reach $$$ (and would power the Maxx II's my next goal) and so I went with the Theta's. The S400 does automatic tube biasing while you listen so it will be the least possible tube maintenance of any tube amp.
I've heard good things about the Dartzeel, and the new pass models.