High End Amp Price Collapse musings

If Class D amplification becomes accepted by audiophiles there should be a glut of high end amps (Krell, Levinson, Pass etc) becoming available on the used market at prices a fraction of what they are now.

Think CRT TV when the flat panels began emerging.I think Ill hold off on a new/used amp purchase for a little while. Maybe I will bet a Boulder.

Has any one else considered this?

And all I'm saying is that I've owned $20k amps that couldn't do what my $799 Powernode 2 does so effortlessly!  Something fundamentally right is going on and it can no longer be ignored...at least not by me.  Short of being in front of a live orchestra I have never heard reproduced music deliver the subtlety, low level detail and both micro and macro dynamics at low to medium levels like what I'm hearing now.  I've owned the reference combos from Levinson, Krell, ARC, Macintosh, BAT ETC...!  Knowing what is possible now for a budding audiophile to achieve for under $10k (complete system) it makes me sick at the amount of money myself and others have poured out to the big audio companies in hopes of achieving the excitement of realistic music playback at home.  I feel a bit violated actually;(
Yes indeed the times they are a changing and heavy amps will indeed be a thing of the past very soon. Class D and digital amps have indeed arrived and are spectacular. Very exciting times. They will only get better and that is exciting. 
The analogy is interesting because from the start hi definition flat panels were better than CRT scrrens, I don't think the same is true and maybe never will be with regard to class a and ab amps v. Class d amps
I'm not sure why anyone thinks engineers will be able to tweak class D to sound as good as class A. I look forward to your reasoning behind this notion.
Sure grannyring; just like full range loudspeakers will
be getting much lighter---not.