High End is Dead?

Browsing used audio sites such as Audiogon and the Marts, high end gear ads are dominated by several dealers. Non-dealer ads are usually people trying to push 15+ year old off-brand junk at 60-70% of MSRP (when they were new). They don't sell anything. You could slash Wilsons, Magicos, etc, 50% off retail and no one will buy them.

No one buys if it costs more than 1k. It's not that they're not interested -- the ads get plenty of views. It's that the asking prices are just way over the ability of buyers to pay. Fact is, if you see a high end piece for sale it's probably by a dealer, often times trying to push it at 15% off retail because its a trade in, but also often they are taking a good chunk off the price 30, 40 sometimes 50% off. They can be famous brands with a million positive reviews. No buyers.

Are we just poor, and that's all there is to it? 
Then why are the large majority of ads for this gear by dealers -- usually the SAME dealers over and over again?
Wow i will be up all night thinking about that one as its very important??
My guess is because it’s a viral global conspiracy of profound proportions.
Because most dealers aren’t all that rich and those others are who are really rich are too busy making billions on the various economic bubbles American public eats up to bother with audio .
What money there is in Audio is made by manufacturers .
Average markup in Audio is 40% . Dealers under pressure move a lot at
around 30% . After all expenses a dealer is lucky is get 5% in his own bank
account .
If an average audio dealer did not stand fast on some lines he would be paying you to buy it .
Car dealers and audio dealers make  money on used stuff . If they do sell you new stuff, even at their cost. they
then have an item that is all profit  .